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The Trust works on planning in a number of ways – by influencing policy locally and nationally, by scrutinising development proposals and by assessing individual planning applications.

policy group

Our Policy Group is made up of members selected for their experience or interest in legal, design and planning matters.  They examine and comment on local and national consultations, local planning and transport policies and new development proposals. The review of the Local Plan, which was launched in 2018 by the City Council, is a current priority. Click here for more information.

major developments

artist’s impression of proposed station approach redevelopment Image : WCC

artist’s impression of proposed station approach redevelopment
Image : WCC

In recent years several major developments have been proposed by Winchester City Council, including the redevelopment of the central area and the station and its surroundings, and the construction of a new leisure centre at Bar End, which are likely to dramatically change the City’s built environment and have the potential to damage its character.  The Trust has set up a small group of Trust members for each scheme, which monitor developments and prepare reports for the Trustees, making recommendations on any action the Trust should take. Click here for the Trust’s position on large scale developments.

planning appraisal group

The Trust’s Planning Appraisal Group (PAG) carries out a weekly review of planning applications for the City that have been submitted to Winchester City Council. These go down to the level of replacing shop signs and up to the demolition of a whole house with replacement developments consisting of several houses or apartment blocks. The PAG submits comments to the City Council on all applications in Winchester City about which it has a view, either positive or negative.

how to comment on planning applications

Do you want to find out more about a planning application in the City and how to comment on it? The Trust has produced a useful guide on planning applications in the City, including valid and non-valid grounds for objection, as well as step by step instructions on how to comment on an application on the City Council’s website.